All the Ways
SJSU Cares
By Julia Halprin Jackson
Watch testimonials from students about their experiences with SJSU Cares. Video: Javier Duarte and Keith Sanders.
Since 2015, SJSU Cares has offered basic needs services to students at San José State University who are facing unforeseen financial crises. The program opened a new office in Clark Hall in fall 2021 where students can consult privately with case managers, receive assistance and get referrals to community resources.
“Any student who works with SJSU Cares receives assistance with housing and other basic needs.”
— Ben Falter, senior student affairs case manager for SJSU Cares
By the Numbers
Student visits to the Spartan Food Pantry in three years
Pounds of food distributed between January and March 2022
Pounds of fresh produce donated by Second Harvest of Silicon Valley between January and March 2022
From July to December 2021, the number of individuals facing housing insecurity who met with a case manager and received assistance

SJSU Cares provides support for obtaining stable, regular and adequate housing. Photo: Robert C. Bain.

The Spartan Food Pantry is a full-service, staffed, walk-in food-assistance program, offering non-perishable goods, fresh produce and refrigerated items to eligible students. Photo: Robert C. Bain.
Enrolled students are eligible for up to 28 days of emergency housing, weekly access to the Spartan Food Pantry, assistance enrolling in CalFresh, financial counseling, and clothing for both everyday wear and career-related activities.
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, SJSU Cares assisted students who faced basic needs insecurity, through referrals to CalFresh and with the Spartan Food Pantry.
SJSU Cares Resources



Emergency and Disaster Assistance

Employment Assistance

Mental Health Support

Financial Counseling

Share Your Spartan Heart
Returning this fall, the Share Your Spartan Heart campaign is designed to spread the word about the availability of emergency food and housing for students and provide multiple ways to support SJSU Cares. Last fall, the campaign raised nearly $14,000. We hope you’ll join us this year!
Know someone who needs help?
Top image: Ben Falter assists students in the SJSU Cares office in Clark Hall. Photo: Robert C. Bain.
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